The fun thing about Maebeth living here now, is that I get to go watch the boys do their thing. Yesterday I was able to go see Nolan at his first swim meet. It reminded me of watching his mom and his Aunt Missy way back when they were on the swim team.

So here he is finishing the free style.

Mattie Williams is also on the swim team, that was an extra bonus. The Williams live down the street from us and we spend a lot of time with them and their girls.
And the other fun thing is spending time with Evan. He loves to give me flowers, today I got the prettiest little weeds ever.

First he picks them.

Then we must put them in a vase and display them nicely on the table.

So, how did Nolan Do?? and yes I love the "flowers" that Evan picked for you! It's wonderful to be loved and have your yard weeded all at the same time!