So we finally had a little girl. Kisha was in labor for an hour and forty five minutes I think. It all happened so fast that I don't really remember. Kyle called her his NASCAR baby. We barely made it to the hospital. All very exciting and different. No pain killers, no epidural, nothing, just a little pushing and there she was!! We thought Kisha would be home today because it was so easy and she felt great but she tested for strep and since she had her so fast they weren't able to do what needed to be done to protect Charlotte so that means another night in the hospital. She is not happy. Baby's name is Charlotte Hannah and she weighed 7 ounds and 4 ounces. She was 20 inches long, has dark hair and we don't know who she looks like, mostly she just looks like her. I can't post pictures until I get back home but I have a ton. I remembered my camera yeah!!!! Leanne did post on her blog so you an go there to see them.
Oh man, I thought she would get to go home today. What a bummer.