Monday, April 6, 2009

Daddy' 77th Surprise Birthday

We decided to have a party for Dad on his 77th. I know, it's kind of strange but who would ever suspect your kids are giving you a surprise for your 77th. It was great. All his kids were their, he was only missing his grandson Tyrel and grandson-in-law Richard B.

This was Friday night. Can you imagine what the waitress thought when she had to serve this group. We ate in Marbel Falls just so we wouldn't accidentally run into Dad and Martha.
Melissa and Jennifer, she's still her momma's baby girl.
Dad's grandson Bobby Erwin and his most recent great grandson William Paul Barmore
Dustin and Sara are going to have their very own little girl in May so we thought it would be good practice for him to hold Kisha newest daughter Charlotte.
I think we really surprised him. He walked in,
Then sut the door.
Came back in,
Gave hugs and kisses
And cried!! Yes he was surprised and very touched.

And here is his family!!
There are a lot more pictures, I'll post more later.