Some more pictures from Dad's birthday!!

Zach, Bobby and Jesse

Dad, Martha and her kids, Terza and Johnny with Terza's husband Scooter and her kids, Clara and Thomas.

Lot's of candles but not as many as it should have been.

The notorious egg is now in his possesion, so watch out!!

Sara and Jesse

Les and Miss Lindsey R. He is partial to Lindseys.

Jennifer and Holly

Dad and Robin

Dad checking out his newest great granddaughter.

Zach watching from Grandpa

Holly needed her Grupa

Sydney, and Riley's nose

Sara and Dustin

All my girls including Jennifer!!

Lindsey and Les

Sara, Billy and Dustin

The kids always play so good together.

Kenny Amy and Telly

Missy and Steve
Great pics mom! I have to say Lindsey is awful partial to her Uncle Bombdiggity (Les)