Friday, April 17, 2009


Viki Yates and I decided we would attend one of the many TEA Parties in our area on Wednesday. I had no idea what to expect but was very glad I went. At the party we went to in Odessa, they had several speakers but the one that impressed me the most was a young man, 18 years old. He expressed himself with true insight on what the problems are in our government and why sooo many are really frustrated by it. He talked about it not being either a Democratic or Republican problem but both. We have been let down by the people who have told us they would represent us. It was a great talk and really hit the mark. I couldn't believe how young he was and how insightful he came across. Anyway there were close to 300 hundred people at the party we went to. I was surprised but pleased. I went because I decided that if I am unhappy with what is going on then I need to do more than just complain, I need to make my voice heard. Viki was so funny. She said she got through the 60's without ever once protesting but told her son she won't make it through her 60's without it, so there we were protesting against the run away spending, the bailouts, the big government, the over taxation, and the bill that will affect our grandchildren. Yeah, it reality the real problems won't hit us that hard but our grandchildren are going to be saddled with the problems created now by the borrowing from the future policies of our government, republican and democrat alike.
So I have become a protestor. I am protesting against borrowng from the future. In our personal lives we should pay as we go. If we do this we never get into trouble and it may mean we make do with what we have but it's the policy that works best. Our government should live by the same policy. I am protesting against over taxation and the unfairness of the tax system we have. It kills small businesses. Yeah everybody likes to believe that it takes from the ultra wealthy but all it does it make it impossible to actually make money in a small business without having to pay out your nose which decreases the ability to hire more employees and also to provide inusrance for those employees. If we keep going the direction we are going, before long all the cute little businesses that we love to go check out when we are traveling because they aren't the cookie cutter stores, will be a thing of the past. They won't survive the taxation policies of only taxing the wealthy. I am protesting the way we are taxed. Let's really make it fair. Has anybody ever sat down and counted up just how much we pay in taxes. I mean we have income tax, social security tax, sales tax, property tax, inheritance tax, for businesses there is inventory tax, franchise tax, capital gains tax, my much tax are we willing to pay. I wouldn't mind if it went where it was supposed to go and I am not purposing that we quit paying taxes because I like the programs they support basically. I do think there can be to much government interferance into what should be private industry. But why am I paying for all these perks in the government and why when we are facing such huge financial problems are our politicians not being more careful about the way they spend the money raised by taxes. Fiscal responsibility is important in all aspects of life including the government.
There you go. That's only a part of what I am upset about, there is lots more. So as the TEA parties grow, I will be there and make a statement. We need a real change not just talk. I am ready to listen to someone who actually makes the changes, I am calling for our government to quit being so iresponsible and really stand up for what is right. That's why I have become a protestor this late in life. Yep!! just an old protestor, hoping that my grandchildren won't loose what I got to experience in this life living in America.


  1. That is great. I am going to get more involved too. I want to go to the 4th of July rally.

  2. I'm really proud of you mom, I know it took a lot for you to go! Way to put yourself out there!
